

Seeking Deeper Connections

“I was creating the world I wanted, and into this world, once it is created, you invite others and then you attract those who have affinities and this becomes a universe, this becomes not a private world at all but something which transcends the personal and creates the link.” – Anais Nin

I wanted to start a blog to talk about my life work which is the work I do on myself and for myself. I have kept a journal since the fifth grade and a dream journal since tenth grade. I have always been on the introspective, nerdy side which feels just right. That’s who I am. The main struggle for me as I went through school was, what do I want to be when I grow up? I felt I was all over the place. I loved poetry, art, yoga, drawing, fairy tales, dreams, religion, meditation, psychology.

I just didn’t have that one answer, but the common thread was the search. I was always interested in learning something new, discovering a new book, doing something new (which might explain why it took me seven years and four schools to finish my B.A.), a new idea, an offbeat way of living. I love the unusual and strange, the original and unconventional.

I would consider myself a late bloomer, and I have a pension for doing things backwards. I came out breech. Ass first! I would say that’s how I tackle most things! I went through a lot of majors in college and didn’t find writing until grad school. I always felt writing was my calling. It has gone through many transformations, as I have. It started out as poetry and has turned into this blog! For me this blog is a coming together of everything I love, everything I am about,  and everything I am trying to become.

Life can be tricky to navigate, lonely and isolating, so can doing the inner work of the soul. It’s nice to have a tribe, the people who feel the way you do about life and how to approach it. I hope to find more of my tribe here on line through sharing my stories, insights, and some of the important things others have taught me. I’ve learned a lot, experienced a lot and I hope some of the pieces of the journey resonate with you. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel, just passing along what I’ve learned from other amazing people on this planet. There’s nothing better for me than coming across an idea that sizzles. I just get it. It makes perfect sense. The stars align and I feel like I’ve found another piece of my real self. The whole process of becoming more of who we authentically are is a lot about collecting these pieces from all of these random places. Oh, how I hope to be a random place where you discover something that clicks with you!

A few heroes of mine are Carl Jung, Anais Nin, Rumi, Rilke. There are many more inspiring people that I have found along this crooked little path I’ve taken and I hope to share a little bit about each one. What makes life more interesting is how we relate to it, the depth of that relationship, and cultivating a deeper understanding of it. I suppose that is what I have always been looking for and what I hope to share on my blog. Apparently, wandering does have a purpose.

“And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was greater than the risk it took to bloom.” – Anais Nin

Here’s to creating new connections!

Thanks for coming along.