Our Soul Knows The Way

I have a big crush on Meggan Watterson right now. As I wade deeper into her insightful and inspiring writing I come across just the right sentence at just the right time and miraculously this allows what’s been in hiding to come out and be seen. This is how healing happens, small shifts, strange synchronicities, and sudden inner alignments. Slowly we open to the possibility of thinking differently, begin making friends with what’s unfamiliar, and are mysteriously lead to the next step.

Stories, tales, epic poetry, myths, and fairy tales sound familiar because they tell the story of the human condition and all the inner obstacles we face everyday. Right now I’m in the story of Ariadne and the ball of red thread that leads Theseus out of the labyrinth after he’s slain the Minotaur. The truth is we each have our own ball of red thread, it’s our soul. If we follow where it leads we will escape our own labyrinth of not enough, self doubt, and the soul-crushing feelings of being undeserving or unworthy.

Our soul knows the way but in order for the path to clear our ego self has to step aside. What does that look like? At the beginning it may be a feeling. The feeling we get when everything seems to fall into place or magically lines up. Maybe it’s a super-charged excitement about something special in our lives or perhaps about nothing in particular, just joy for its own sake. These are all red thread clues that lead us around another corner.

We don’t need to invent or force anything it’s already happening now. We only have to notice the small details, place our growing attention on them, and begin to follow what clicks or feels right. Does it sound easy? It can be, it can also be trying, it can feel confused, we can be thrown all kinds of diversions along our soulful path. In the end all we really need to do is listen and follow through. When we do we get out of our own way and step beyond the old cycles and patterns that have been weighing us down or holding us back from expressing who we really are.

This is the essence of following the soul. The more old garbage we discard that’s been piled inside throwing us off the track, the more clarity we gain. Then it becomes easy to see the way that is ours. Here we arrive at the mystics again, the great cosmic cycle and circle that leads back to emptying out and opening up to the truth that has always been.

Down deep we are all of it, Ariadne who offers the the read thread, Theseus who slays the Minotaur and the thread itself leading us back home to ourselves.

Trust your soul, it knows the way.


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Nashila Rahmaniya

This is a nice post.
Can I write for this blog website too ?
I write well and have a similar line of thinking
