No Equivocation

If you limit yourself only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise. – Anais Nin

It’s simple really, our soul wants to be seen, heard, and honored. That unvarnished truth of who we are at our very core wants expression. Everything else in our lives begins to fall into place when we are able to listen to our soul’s bottom line. But this voice can be hard to hear. We hedge, we complicate, we underestimate, and ignore what we want, feel, know, and have to say. When we can finally hear the inner voice that longs to be spoken out loud and then act on it, on any level, we begin to heal the split between who we are on the inside and what we say or do on the outside.

It works a little bit like this, when we honor what matters to us, we gain greater clarity and move into what make a difference in our lives. These are the things that make us feel whole and joyful. When we ignore what we really want to do, or say, or live we get stuck in the in-between. We fumble around for a substitute that seems more practical or more attainable but what’s lost in the shuffle is our voice and what we truly desire. This voice is part insight, part intuition, part mystery and it leads us to the very things that have the power to open us up and change the trajectory of our lives. When we settle or compromise, we stay stuck in no-man’s land, half alive, half aware, and completely dissatisfied.

The fact is we need to speak our truth, stand by how we feel, and honor where we are lead. Cultivating our voice aligns us with what matters the most and changes how we operate in the day-to-day by catapulting us deeper into purpose and meaning. All of those things that feel true and resonate down deep are a compass that leads us out of the woods of what others want and away from all of the second guessing and self-doubt. No equivocation means staying rooted in what has heart and meaning and trusting that it will be enough to get us where we want to go, even when we don’t quite know where that is or exactly what it entails.

Our first job is to be our real selves in every aspect of our lives instead of wavering to make another happy, placating to keep the peace, or hiding to make others comfortable. In the end, what others think or need or want is really none of our business. We’ll never be able to figure that out or fill in the blanks for someone else, but what we can figure out is what we need and what will make us whole and happy.

Don’t live your life just getting by or standing in the shadows of what everyone else wants. Their demands will never end, you’ll never be able to meet them, and all that trying, forcing, or contorting will never make you happy. Set your heart on listening to that inner voice that speaks your truth. You’ll know it by what it brings, joy, meaning, and purpose.


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