Flow Thinking

It’s easy to get caught in the everyday ruts of thinking. We tend to stay in a narrow box to get all the details of living done, but this can only get us so far. There is another kind of thinking, flow thinking, which means what comes up is meant to be seen not shoved aside, and when we embrace what comes the direction of our lives change.

This kind of thinking is all about the seemingly random ideas, intuition, feelings, and synchronicities that arise at the strangest or most inconvenient of times. Flow thinking is the other side of ourselves asking to be seen. It’s everything we’ve been pushing into the shadows that finally wants to see the light of day.

Flow thinking will slowly reveal our soul.

Now ask yourself this, do you honor what comes up or blow it off if it doesn’t particularly suit you? Maybe something surfaces that seems foreign, unusual, or uncomfortable, maybe a situation you’re tired of keeps repeating itself. How these things make us feel is a clue and the key. Does it give us energy or joy, does it bring a breath of fresh air? Maybe it makes us angry, frustrated, or points to something we’d rather not know.

All of this is equally important, because in this more heart-centered kind of thinking intense feelings or reactions point us to the very things we most need to know. Our job is to make the connection between the two. Then our lives will begin to flow in unexpected and meaningful ways.

Flow thinking asks us to go deeper and pull out the parts of ourselves we barley know or rarely pay attention to. Things about us that take a little sleuth work and decoding or the courage to see some less-than-flattering aspects of ourselves. If we want to enter into life more fully, and be more present with greater joy and gratitude, what we need will naturally be brought to us.

Then all we have to do is honor what comes. Slowly it will build us up into more of who we are, revealing pieces we never thought existed or opportunities we never thought were possible. Flow thinking helps get us in touch with the undiscovered parts of ourselves that want expression and unstuck from detrimental patterns and habits.

This is how the heart thinks, in cycles of spontaneity, and it takes a bit of getting use to. What comes has the power to shape us in ways we never thought possible.

Perhaps it’s time to go with the flow.


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