The Delight Of Not Knowing

There’s a false perception we’ve succumbed to, the idea we need to know it all. Somehow we believe the more we know the more we control. The truth is that’s a lie to help us sleep better at night. The things we don’t know will always outweigh the things we do know, and even the things we do know can sometimes stand on pretty shaky ground. The beauty lies in walking between these two worlds. Our greatest power lies in living the fullest potential of any given moment while being comfortable with not knowing what comes next.

It requires great strength and awareness to live alongside the unknown for a few minutes let alone every minute of our lives. We try and fail at gaining wisdom, at being kind and compassionate, at relaxing into who we are. But know this, every time we strive to get closer to our limits and the capacity of what we can know we are building new worlds within ourselves. Living alongside the unknown actually pulls us closer to life and all it has to offer.

The truth is we bloom in the face of letting go of what we think we know. It  opens us up to the fact that we are surrounded by the mystery all of the time. We don’t know exactly how or why the universe came into being, where we come from or go to, but if we could live alongside our questions more often without feeling the need for a definitive answer, we’d be much closer to the truth and our lives would be infinitely richer for it.

There is always so much more to know and no possible way to know it all so where does this leave us? I suppose it depends on how we look at it, as an invitation or a frustration. Rilke said it’s all about living with the questions that lead us to the answers our soul searches for, I think this is as close as any of us can hope to get.

So let’s get comfortable in not knowing, open to more of the mystery, and be brave enough to let it pervade our daily thinking and living. Perhaps then we will be on the verge of not only knowing what really matters but living it everyday of our lives.


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