Own What You Know

We have become masters at shortchanging ourselves. We don’t believe in our wisdom, intuition, and what we know to be true. Instead we second guess, we wonder, we talk ourselves out of what we know even when we’re absolutely sure about it. One of the best ways to test the truth of what we know is by our gut reaction. If it make us feel at home and at ease we can be sure we’re onto something. Do we shudder at the thought of it or want to run in the opposite direction, then probably it’s better left alone, unless it’s public speaking, then almost everyone is petrified. There’s always an exception to the rule.

So why do we keep ourselves from owning what we know? Probably more reasons than I could ever name but for us overachievers it could have something to do with wanting to make sure we are absolutely right before we own it. Perhaps we’re a bit worried about what others might think if we turned out to be wrong. Here’s the problem, perfection’s never going to happen. Life has a way of changing on us and just because it’s right for us right now doesn’t necessarily mean it will be right for all times. We have to be willing to go with the flow of what we know and be comfortable with not knowing the definitive truth. What we know is our personal truth and that we can own.

Owning it also means embracing the uncertainty of what we think we know for sure and living from there into our next truth. Very rarely is anything ever set in stone, it is more like shifting sands and we need to be present and accountable for every change in direction. We stay in the present moment and honor the truth we find inside, then repeat that process, that’s how we become masters of owning what we know. What comes next is flexibility and effortless flow, that’s a whole other level of owning what we know, involving things we don’t fully know, and quite possibly what we will never know.

In the end all of this does not matter. It’s the now that matters and looking as deeply as possible into our personal truth in the now that matters most. Listening more closely to our intuition and what’s being offered will tell us what we already know to be true and that will help guide us to what’s next while navigating the stumbling blocks in between. Living that, well that is the journey of a lifetime isn’t it?

In order to get there we can start by gathering what resonates deeply, holding it close so it can guide us, and being able to let it go if there comes a time when it no longer makes sense. This is how we own what we know.

Be gentle with yourself, you know more than you think you do. Don’t be afraid to own it.


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