Where We Stand


So maybe I am a little obsessed with the inner world, it’s workings, and the many ways it connects and contributes to our daily life. But if I think about it, it makes just as much sense the other way around, everything we are engaged with in our outer life helps shape the interior. The two work in concert with each other and if we are paying attention to one we will naturally gain deeper insight into the other. But for now my obsession wins out, I’m back on the inside doing the work. This morning I came across a quote by Angeles Arrien that got me thinking about all of this; “our basic natures unfold and are revitalized within every creative process that involves the implementation of both dynamic and magnetic expressions.”

We approach our self from the outside with all the things we do that bring us joy; our hobbies, interests, work — both our job and what we are called to do– and all that has meaning and moves us. The things we do and are passionate about then seed the inner life. They reveal the secrets we carry inside, secrets we sometimes keep from ourselves. We uncover them by paying attention and making connections. What we do speaks to the kind of person we are, it tells the story of what matters to us, and what makes us unique. The things we love to do develop and unfold all that’s inside but often go overlooked in the daily routines of life.

There are ten thousand things that can throw us off track but they can also put us back on track if we’re cultivating more awareness. Doing the work lets us look inside and come to terms with our self before we are forced to reconcile with life. Often times it’s only when we’re in a state of emergency, the illness of a loved one, the loss of a parent, or a major life transition such as moving or divorce, that we get crystal clear about what really matters. The trials and triumphs of life help us become more acquainted with the deeper layers of our self and the foundations of who we are, and accelerate our personal growth and evolution. So here we are back on the inside again.

Instead of waiting for a cataclysm to show us what we really value, we can use each act of our daily living to help unravel our inner mystery. This is why everything we do matters, but what matters more is the way we approach it. How we live constructs a map of the interior and creates our personal constellation we show to the outer world. With every choice we redefine ourselves, allowing room for a fuller version of ourselves to be born. What we follow into the world that has meaning and value originates from our private interior world. So where do we stand, on the outside or the inside?

When we’re consciously creating our life we link the two worlds. Every story and struggle is important. Every quiet morning with a cup of tea or peaceful evening under the stars matters. We tell the story of our self through our actions, through pursuing what matters to us, and this helps build the bridge between our inner and outer selves. Then we let the lessons we learn live in the routine of our days. The two worlds grow up alongside each other and there is no separation, inner and outer are connected in our one big jostling story.

So look closely inside and out, we’re already standing in both worlds.


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