Changing Our Fate

Our choices change everything. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that. So what is it that keeps us repeating the same choices and finding ourselves in the same places? Fear is one of the main culprits easily guessed, but there is something else that keeps us stuck we might never suspect, comfort. When things are comfortable we flow with what comes our way, we ask fewer questions, we don’t reconfigure anything. Why bother? Everything seems good enough just as it is.

Although we all seek and need comfort it has an insidious side, it can put us to sleep. We can spend big chunks of our lifetime going along with what is comfortable instead of finding out what sets our soul on fire. But then the day inevitably comes when the universe steps in and knocks us out of our comfort zone. It can be something as small as a comment made in passing that finally makes us see what up until that point remained hidden. Suddenly we are shaken to our core, we see clearly what we’ve been missing all those years. Just because it’s comfortable doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right. It may simply mean we are too scared, confused, or resistant to do anything about it and change our ways. It takes insight, courage, and conscious choices to change our fate.

But the universe always has a surprise in store. It has a way of putting us face to face with what we need to deal with coupled with some unexpected zingers that lead us right to what restores our soul. It can be overwhelming to think we’ve had it wrong all along, or that we’ve made all the wrong choices, but that’s not true either. It’s not about right and wrong. We make the choices that are the best for us at the time, but our choices change as we change. What may have been right five years ago may no longer be true for us now. This is the way it should be. We ebb and flow like everything else. We only have to recognize this truth.

In the end we have no choice but to change. It may not seem quite fair, but everything is evolving and growing, and of course, changing. And that includes us. In order to change our fate we have to awaken to what really is. We leave fear behind and come out of the shadow of comfort to walk in the light of the well made choices crafted with soul and purpose.

Here’s to choosing what comes next.


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