Manifesting A Miracle

Life is a journey and along the way we get to make greater sense of ourselves and our lives. We heal old wounds, develop our authentic voice, cultivate greater understanding and reflect on what’s been and what matters most. Being honest with ourselves about where we’re at and where we want to be let us come to terms with what’s actually in our lives. And this opens the door to much-needed forgiveness about what’s gone sour and gives us the courage to right all the wrongs. It’s by taking these necessary steps to transmute and transcend the past and what’s gone awry that puts us in direct connection with the miraculous.

It can be easy to miss or mistake miracles. They come in all sizes and shapes and can fool us with their unassuming demeanor. They may arise in the form of instantaneous change, startling insights, meaningful synchronicities, unexpected connections, new perspectives or evolving attitudes. They can also come in the form of overwhelming beauty and grace. The contrast from being in the dark, feeling depressed, or struggling along in the same old ways make these internal shifts seem even more miraculous. When we are wholly and holy invested in our lives and what we need to understand, integrate, let go, or make peace with, is when the fog begins to lift. Then it becomes easy to see miracles everywhere we look.

Here’s when miracles absolutely don’t happen, when we push or follow or imitate or force. Miracles can’t be manhandled. They need time, space, and our thoughtful attention. They come when we are honest about who we are, warts and all. Then miracles seem to seek us out.

You may be thinking, what exactly qualifies as a miracle anyway. Please don’t get stuck thinking it has to be huge, small miracles come to find us in the everyday. A miracle is whatever makes you feel more alive or sets your life on fire. For me this blog and publishing my books on Amazon is miraculous because I don’t have to wait on a publisher to approve or validate what I have to say. There’s no creative middleman. My voice has a place to be seen and heard, poof, a miracle. What about waking up to a sunrise that sets the sky blazing pink and red, a fully stocked pantry, or a surprise day off. These are all miracles as well.

The truth is the miraculous is a state of mind and the only way to get there is by being the most honest and authentic rendition of ourselves. It’s OK to look to others for clues or crib notes, but don’t try to hijack another’s vibe or lifestyle, it will never work for you. Each of us needs to forge our own way in our own time.

Be rooted in your truth as many moments as you can muster. It doesn’t matter what others think or expect of you. Forget about what everyone else wants you to believe or be. Now is the time to see who you really are, what really matters, and live that every day.

Perhaps this is the biggest miracle of all.


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