Soul Alignments

There are all kinds of ways we say yes. We can say a tentative yes, a begrudging yes, a resentful yes, a pretty good yes, a resounding yes, or a holy hell yes. The only difference in all of these yeses is how soulfully aligned we are with what we are agreeing to do. And although it may sound easy to say yes to what we really love, and no to what we don’t, we find that a hell-yeah yes is rarer than any other kind of yes we tend to say.

The solution to saying a more aligned yes is by knowing what we really want to agree to and what we don’t. Again you may be thinking, well that sounds easy enough, but I bet if you begin writing down all the things you love and want to do or say yes to it won’t take long before you run out of ideas. When we really start looking at what we want it quickly gets confusing as to whether that’s the truth of what we want or if it’s what others or the culture wants from us.

A lot of what we want to say yes to still lives in the shadows and we have a hard time seeing it clearly. Usually because we aren’t being honest with ourselves or specific enough about what we want to actually say yes to. Aligned yeses come from asking more questions. If you go back over your list I bet you’ll find a couple of soul-aligned yeses that are pretty vague, like love or money. For instance, what kind of love do you want? The love of family, friends, community, or a significant other? What does this kind of love look like in the reality of day-to-day living? Or how much money are you after? And for what? Is it the money you really want or the freedom, and what would you do with that freedom if you had it? Answering these questions makes it easier to see what it is you really want to say yes to and shines a light on what may not matter as much as you first thought.

Down in the depths is where we find what the soul longs for. Aligned yeses will support our purpose and nurture our personal power, but often we have to do a little digging to find out exactly what these things are for us. In some ways it’s almost easier to begin clarifying what we don’t want. Some of what we don’t want can be checked off our list and moved on from in pretty short order. It’s perfectly fine to start saying yes from knowing what our noes are. Begin whittling away at what you know doesn’t line up for you. The big ones will be easy to see, they will be the things that stifle your soul or make you feel less than.

Then take a dive into what remains. Soulful alignment comes from having a clear vision of what you want and then living towards that every day. We need to create some time and space in order to discover and encourage what is soulfully aligned for us and what we want to say hell-yes to. What we find along the way to our soulfully aligned yeses may change our minds about what we are willing to agree to, and we may move onto something completely different. This is how it should be. The point is never a final destination, it is the quality of each step of the journey. At the bottom of it all is the love and compassion we have for ourselves and translating this love into what we are saying yes to every day of our lives.

The more loving and courageous we are the more we align with soulful yeses.


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