The Little Moments

It’s easy to get caught up looking for the big moments, a definitive event that will shapeshift our lives and change everything. We think the big moments are what defines us and our lives, but I’m pretty sure we have it backwards. It’s in the little moments that we end up finding ourselves. The non-descript moments are where we can be without agitation or pretense and this lets us regroup and find our center. No doubt big moments can shake us to our core, we land a job we love, find the one we love, or the death of a loved one comes. These huge mile markers can irrevocably shift us and change the trajectory of our lives, but it’s in the little moments where we put ourselves back together.

The real work of uncovering our true self and living with purpose and passion happens in the quiet moments of the everyday. This is where the details of our stories have a chance to fully unfold and we can reassemble our soul. It can be as simple as picking up something we love to do but have let slip. Maybe we find a new hobby or outlet, make a connection or have a deep insight. All of these happen in the little moments that string together our days and build our lives. How we approach and deal with them is crucial in constructing a life we love living.

The small moments reconnect us with what has heart and meaning. They ground us back into everyday life and help us see with calm clarity the decisions we’re being asked to make. In these moments we’re deciding how we want to live and what we want to fill our lives with. Sitting on the deck at the end of a long day with a glass of wine and a book is a small decision, but a delightful one that can smooth out rough edges. These little moments offer us a way to connect back to the vitality or joy within and let that be the force that shapes the rest of our day. It’s the little moments that are the building blocks for a larger life. The more comfortable we get with the small decisions that seem easy to make the more prepared we’ll be for the big stuff.

Can we integrate more love, joy, surprise, and delight in the ordinary? The more we do the more these little moments restructure and realign our approach to life and the choices we make. The big moments may stand out and offer us the pivotal times in our lives, the happiest, or most devastating, but the little moments weave together innumerable threads that can transform living from mundane to magic.

And it’s here we have a choice. In the end how we approach the small moments of the everyday is how we approach the rest of our lives. In the little moments we get to breathe into what is and reshape and redirect the course we’re on. Over time it’s the little moments that add up and become the foundation for how we face the life-changing events that demand everything from us.

It’s in all the small moments of every day where we get to thoughtfully craft a life we love living.


A little p.s., sometimes the little moments can bring on a major meltdown. I had this blog ready hours ago when my computer went haywire. I can tell you that little moment kicked my ass and lasted three hours and two matcha lattes. The truth is it’s always process not perfection.

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