We Are The Antidote

There are horrible wounds in the world. There is overwhelming fear and rage. There is callous disregard and complacency. There is insatiable greed and little moral code. But there is also a cure for all of these ailments, it’s you and me. We are the antidote to the heaviness of a weary world when we are brave enough to let love lead the way. The kind of love I am talking about is the kind of love we endlessly search for without realizing it is already within us. This is the kind of love that is calm and compassionate, wise and forgiving. The kind of love that changes our lives and others by being able to shift out of the small picture and see the larger vision. It happens when we’re able to see our commonalities instead of only our differences. It happens when we stop worrying we don’t have enough and stop feeling like a victim. That’s when we have the opportunity to shine.

In the face of overwhelming negativity, distrust, and downright ugliness it can be hard to muster the courage of our hearts to love like this. We forget that the little things matter most, a kind word, starting the day with something we love, or a simple heart-felt gesture. It is easy to forget our infinite capacity to channel the good. We stay stuck in feeling small and forget we are conduits of transformation, that what we do and say makes a difference. Changes in the world start from within each of us when our knee-jerk reaction becomes love rather than fear, satiety rather than anguish. But how?

Of course the how is where it gets tricky. But the how begins when we step out of the way of our own pettiness and limited perceptions and open. Open our hearts and minds, open to other possibilities and differing opinions, and open to stepping outside of our comfort zone and the way we’ve always done things. Take a look around, if you don’t like what you’re seeing it might be time to try something new. The beginning of loosening these old ruts of fear, rage, and stagnancy starts within us by trusting ourselves and our deeper intuition. It starts when we decide to take a pause from our well-worn responses. Waiting instead of reacting can make all the difference. Waiting gives love a chance to take hold, it gives our prickly thinking a chance to soften.

Remember, what we feel and how we react has a ripple effect. That’s why our actions and words matter. Our emotions, feelings, and attitudes impacts everyone we come into contact with. We have more power than we know and we can use it for good when we start coming from a standpoint of love. This does not mean we say yes to everything, it does not mean we are a doormat, but it does mean we are thoughtful and come from a place of kindness rather than hate, a place of compromise rather than having to be right. Things only change because we begin to change.

And the more of us chipping away at what weighs us down the more we help heal the wounds of the world. All the good works begin to add up and eventually tip the scales in favor of love and compassion, forgiveness and respect. First things first though, we have to find these things for ourselves within ourselves

I invite you to be the change, the resolution, the opening, the next phase. Put down all the negative notions and baggage you’ve been carrying around and only pick up love: sincere, deep, vast, and all inclusive love. Begin to let that move through you, let that be your guide and counsel.

You’ll be doing the world a favor, but miraculously you will find that you are the one at the center of receiving all the love you’ve been looking for.


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