The Writing Cure

Freud often referred to psychoanalysis as the talking cure and it’s true because speaking out loud what has been locked up inside or tormenting us is a healing experience. It’s a relief to get our troubles off our chest. The feelings, thoughts, and problems that overwhelm us often do so because we don’t open the release valve. Once our fears or worries are spoken out loud it’s like repotting a plant, there is room for greater growth.

Writing does the same. People may keep a journal for many different reasons but the most important benefits are greater depth of insight and creation of continuity within our lives. Writing it out releases those things that have been weighing on us or stuffed down for ages and that relief of recognition can be felt in our soul. Writing lets what’s been unnamed and controlling our lives from behind the scenes out into the light of awareness and this changes everything.

Events that happened decades ago that still steer our lives can only be healed when we begin to acknowledge them. Clearly seeing what keeps us stuck or holds us back brings greater freedom in what we choose to live and what we choose to let go. Writing it out empowers us to create our lives instead of being unwittingly lead astray, sidetracked, or ambushed. When we face how we really feel we can choose to do something about and these choices have the power to reshape our lives.

The writing cure is soul healing. It mends the broken places or at least gives healing a chance to begin working its magic. This ultimately sets us on a course of deeper appreciation and greater joy. Where are you holding back or feeling stuck? What has you second-guessing yourself or your life choices? Begin writing it out and then keep writing long after you feel there is nothing left to say. You may be surprised at what finally surfaces.

The key to healing is complete honesty and the courage to accept all of who we are. Just like anything else that is worthwhile it takes some time, patience, and practice.

Writing, just like talking, can cure our many woes.


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