On The Other Side

At times it can feel as if life only has one side; the way we see things and what we believe to be the truth. This limited mindset slowly lulls us into living within the narrowest possible terms. But sometimes we have a moment, an epiphany, an aha, and for that brief moment something clicks, shifts, and we see on the other side. We step outside of what we think we know for sure and get a glimpse of something distinctly different that turns everything upside down. One of these moments happened to me the other day, just long enough to see clearly onto the other side of my normal.

On the other side of our fears, judgments, and old ideas that keep us stuck or in disbelief that anything could ever be different is the land of all possibilities. We may not have to know them all but we do have to be open to them all. This is how we make room for the unexpected to show up in our lives. Freedom is on the other side. Freedom from what holds us back, holds us down, or tells us we can’t. It’s this illusive feeling of fresh air, of unboundedness, of joy, that keeps us looking at all. Getting a sneak peek of what could be helps clear the path to a different way of being.

I only know it feels like waking up. A light goes off and what had such a firm grip suddenly falls away leaving in its place clarity and calm. We see the answer we’ve been looking for, and possibly suspecting, all along. This energy of understanding lights the fire to get things done, it silences critics, and breaks through seemingly impossible obstacles. On the other side time is expansive and stretches out to accommodate what must get done.

The truth is the other side is within us all the time. But we have to choose to recognize it, to live it, and be open to what, at first, may make little sense to our logical mind. That choice is always ours to make at any time. We never have to stay stuck on this side of things, we can always walk across that bridge into the land of wants to be lived.

It’s been within us the whole time.


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Your writings are so very beautiful and poignant and bring peace and clarity to places that can be so difficult to navigate. Thank you