A Cosmic Recalculation

So this is how it usually goes. We are living our life, making our plans, minding our own business. We think everything is just fine, in fact it might even be great, and then all of a sudden…wham-o! We’re blindsided, by love, by tragedy, by unexpected miracles or mayhem. Suddenly our lives have been turned upside down leaving us wondering, now what. It’s our turn to respond, but how?

This is the way life goes. We are continually thrown curve balls and each time we need to decide how we’ll deal with them. The truth is we always have a choice, we can ignore what comes and hope for the best or we can embrace it and say a big yes. Yes sounds so easy doesn’t it? It sounds like that’s the no-brainer answer, but the fact is yes requires a death-defying act. Having our lives turned upside down is never an easy road. But the question that comes again and again is how are we going to live? Do we listen to the soul’s voice or stay in our comfort zone of what we’ve always known and always done? In the case of these cosmic recalculations we had better bring our “A” game because these decisions bring sweeping change and push us towards what’s next.

So how do we proceed? Thoughtfully, reverently, and with a touch of spontaneity. A recalculation means just that, it could be awhile before we know what’s what. What we do know is that the process entails intense emotion, old wounds coming back to the surface, and another chance to right past wrong turns. These soul decisions need our full awareness and the ability to hang out in the unknown and uncomfortable for an undefined period of time. It’s always worth the hard work, but let’s be honest, it can be a perilous journey for awhile. A cosmic recalculation offers the opportunity to grow more into the person we truly are deep within. But it comes with thoughtfulness and requires courage.

A cosmic recalculation throws us for a loop, it pushes us out of repetitive reactions and into uncharted territory. New ways of living come into view, choices that resonate with meaning come to the surface, and the landscape of our lives takes on a new topography. There are so many options, waking up to those options is the first step, deciding and moving forward with what matters to us is yet another.

So when do we say yes and when do we hold off? We only have to listen more closely to the mystery that speaks deep within.


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