The Art Of Blooming

Listen, are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life? -Mary Oliver

Spring signals awakening from the long sleep of winter, a time of re-entering life, and taking our rightful place in it. But this spring is a little more double-edged than usual. Although spring is forever about rebirth, there is no new birth without death. As much as we would like to only celebrate the new and magical, they are only possible through the death of the old which requires both surrender and sacrifice. Just like most everything else in life, spring is a paradox.

Everyday we are in the process of bringing ourselves back to life in millions of different ways, but some days are definitely more noticeable than others. The shifts are earth-shaking or clarity strikes at the heart. Perhaps it is one of those days for you, it certainly is for me. A reclamation of a part of life that’s long been waiting to be lived.

And although I already had something worked up and ready to go, something else wanted to be said. They are my words and perhaps yours too if we’d gotten to them first, but the soulful Mary Oliver beat us to them.

Here are her words that talk about the mystery of life, living, and what it takes to rebirth ourselves in every moment. Owning the reality of who we are instead of punishing ourselves for not being our version of enough takes patience, kindness, and honesty. This is how we come home to ourselves and the world, and how we tap into the foundation of spring and endless renewal. It’s simply about being brave enough to be ourselves, not a version that’s more acceptable, or polished, or perfected. Living that brings us back to life.

Welcome all this spring has to offer, and let it bring you home to your wild and authentic self.


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