The Economics Of Freely Giving

There is a truism that cuts across all boundaries, from physics to metaphysics to life in the everyday world, and that is we get what we give. But what’s less talked about is the way in which we do the giving. Giving with a clenched fist often doesn’t feel like giving at all, it’s more of a begrudging, a feeling of defeat or being forced. What comes back to us from this kind of giving is pinched and meted out in the smallest of portions.

But there is another choice, we can choose to give freely, we can give with joy and an open heart. This is not giving everything away emotionally, mentally, or physically, but rather thoughtfully choosing what we do give without reservation or conditions. This may not feel completely comfortable but when we give with an open heart, a feeling of trust and faith that our giving doesn’t diminish us, and that all will be well, activates a hidden universal principle. In giving this way we receive more in return, and usually it’s exactly what we needed. This kind of giving has the power to change our lives, to open us up, and brings with it the intoxicating feeling of connectedness, belonging, and wholeness.

Freely giving of who we are and the gifts we have to offer opens the flood gates and what comes back to us is unrestricted and unconditional generosity of spirit. This is the joyful economics of giving, and it is reciprocal. Slowly, over time, what physically comes back matters little compared to the state of our inner self and the growth of the voice within that says yes to all life has to offer, fearlessly embracing what may come.

This delicate and mysterious balance of giving and receiving happens because we’ve hit the inner lottery of a kind, warm, welcoming heart that opens to the need set in front of us as an opportunity and catalyst for positive change. The economics of giving freely has the power to unclench hands and hearts and lets us give the good as well as receive it, and miraculously that good is multiplied and magnified in both directions.

The economics of giving freely says open, open, open, then open some more. The more freely we give of our kindness, compassion, and joy to those around us the more it come flooding back.

Get ready to live your life in technicolor.


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