Good Works Of The Everyday

Often when we think of doing good we think big. We think of going to another country, working in a helping profession, or serving the community. These are all good and necessary works that need doing, works that change people’s lives, but there are also good works of the everyday and they are just as important.

How about being kind to everyone we meet, holding the door open for a frazzled mom, or engaging with the clerk at the grocery store. These are small things but they have an effect and they matter more than you might think. Truth is we never know what’s going on in another’s life and sometimes these small kindnesses can turn the tide on someone’s mood or make all the difference in their day. Maybe they allow that person to take a breath, make a connection, or feel uplifted. This small catalyst offers the ability to step outside of our regular routines and think differently, even if only for a brief moment.

We may never know all the ways we make a difference in someone’s life, but we can know that kindness matters. Whether or not we know the impact of our actions has no consequence. I am telling you this as a recipient of many kind acts, they are all important. Just imagine if all of us shared these small kindnesses with everyone we met everyday. How would that change the way we feel or we respond to the people we meet during the course of the day, to the ones we love, and ultimately to ourselves.

The reality is it all matters, what we do matters, who we are matters. We don’t have to change the world in order to make a change in the world. We can start with ourselves. In fact this is the only thing we can change, who we are and how we act. How we treat others is merely a refection of how we treat ourselves.

When we joyfully participate in life with those around us we make a positive difference. Even small ripples have their effect.


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