Rethinking Change

Change is for the purpose of reminding us of who we really are.                       – Angeles Arrien

We are creatures of habit and change is usually never welcome, especially the kind of change that shakes our core beliefs. But change is the only thing in life that is certain; we can be absolutely sure that nothing will stay the same. The truth is we, and all of life, thrive on change, we are always looking to innovate and create, and this applies to our inner search as well. Change fends off stagnation, in thinking, living, and loving. So maybe it is time to stop complaining about change and start rethinking it.

What change offers us is the gift of transformation. It’s what allows us the chance to grow into more of the person we really are because it asks us to make choices that are in alignment with what is true for us now, not five years ago, or even five minutes ago. We constantly get to choose who we want to be, what we do, or don’t do, who we let into our lives, and perhaps most importantly where we draw the line when we’ve had enough.

Our choices affect change, and the choices we make about the things we are passionate about, the things that generate the most feeling within us, will be the things that dramatically shift who we are and the trajectory of our lives. Change can take us out of stagnation and sameness and into the ecstasy of living what resonates deep within.

This kind of living has mystery and meaning. What we hope for is an easy route to transforming our lives, unfortunately there’s not much easy about it. It is a complicated, messy, and often times excruciatingly painful process. But what comes with this process is a deepening into the truth of who we are and the ability to be this person in every situation.

So the next time change comes knocking, asking us to decide who we are going to be, let’s welcome it, let’s be grateful we have the opportunity to become more than we currently are.

Let’s embrace the changes that will inevitably come with wonder and grateful anticipation of what lies ahead.


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