Seeing Inside

I woke up this morning with these words running through my head, for all good, for all beings, for all times. These little moments of catching up with the unexpected brings a feeling of wholeness and peace that’s hard to describe. It’s a strange and wonderful way to start the day. I use to feel like these random gems, uplifting ideas, or crystalline connections only happened randomly and possibly for only very few people. But now I believe that these words and ideas float by and around all of us all the time, we only have to look more closely.

We are use to the incessant chatter that goes on in our heads almost non-stop about the everyday, but there is a deeper frequency of soul truth that runs parallel farther down. We just have to dig a little for these hidden words, ideas, and connections but once the dig has begun dark, rich earth opens up. The more familiar we become with this inner stream of knowledge the easier it is to coax out of hiding. In reality it’s always there just waiting to be seen and heard and lived.

And so some days begin like this with deeply moving words that rouse something ancient inside and fill me with a feeling of worth and belonging. But it’s not just for me, it’s for each one of us. We are all in this together, and every healing thought any of us has effects the rest. Sometimes these surprise truths split us open revealing this steadfast center where small miracles reside. Pema Chodron talks about this place as the soft heart that nothing can ever destroy. No matter what life throws at us it is this spirit of openness and place of innocence that remains unbreakable and in the end is the only thing that’s really true. This is where these words come from and these words have the power to change the way we look at and live our lives.

We can consider ourselves lucky if we have a place where we can hear the secrets that spill out from this center. For me it’s my home, you see I live in a magic house. The lush, dense forest surrounds me. There are lots of dewy mornings where all the plants sparkle in the sun. Birds sing, rabbits hop, and butterflies and hummingbirds flit around. I’m not kidding, I’m half waiting for a bird to perch on my finger and sing a duet with me. But all of this nature quiets and calms me, opening me to these delicate possibilities more often. I think having a place where we feel safe and protected, wherever and whatever that place may be, helps these words and ideas come to the surface. But in the end, no matter what else is going on in our lives, it is our honest effort and intention to tune into something more than what rests on the surface that allows these faint words to be heard.

Give yourself place and peace to tune into the song of your soul that’s longing for expression.


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