
Milestones are meant to be reminders. At the beginning of a project, a job, or relationship we are on fire. We know why we want what we want and are pointed full force in the direction of our goal. The middle parts are where it gets saggy and a bit confusing, we need reminding of why we began in the first place.

Important milestones reconnect us with the tremendous energy that got us to start something new, to venture out of our comfort zone, or set out on a meaningful path. They put us back in touch with that tidal wave of excitement that initially swept over us and changed the way we saw ourselves, our lives, and what matters most. It’s the endless daily details that weigh us down and routine ruts we get stuck in that can strip us of joy. Milestones are a gift that helps us redouble our efforts and continue on in the direction of our dreams.

They are also a time of reevaluation. We check in, see where we are, if it’s still worth it, decide what we want to tweak, realign, take a deep breath, and then dive deeper. Milestones are memory in concrete form, something solid we can grab hold of that helps us move forward. What’s even more important is celebrating them and letting these miracle milestones reignite our joy and passion.

This is a milestone for me, blog post number 200. It all began in an overwhelming rush of new energy. And that energy has transformed, transmuted, and grown into something unexpected and life-giving for me. I have grown more into myself, my authentic voice, and recognize with more clarity the deeper mystery of the undercurrents that pull at me. Along this strange, disconcerting, and joyous journey have been markers for what’s to come. These mini-milestones have helped me discover more of myself and new horizons that beckon.

All the more reason to celebrate. Milestones tell us who we are, who we’re becoming, where we want to grow and change, and what has meaning for us. They let us breathe deeper into who and what we’re about and that means we recognize more and more the voice inside that’s learning to sing its own song.

Welcome the milestones, celebrate them and the you, you are becoming.


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