Touching Soul

Weapons cannot cleave him, nor fire burn him; water cannot wet him, nor wind dry him away. He is uncleavable; he cannot be burned; he cannot be wetted, nor yet can he be dried. He is eternal, all pervading, stable, immovable, ever the same. – Bhagavad Gita

This quote talks about the soul or Self that lives inside that has nothing to do with what we look like, how much money we have, or what kind of car we drive. It is the part of us which cannot be touched, damaged, or destroyed. It’s that endlessly resilient eternal inner essence we often forget we even possess.

Coming into communion with this inner reality is the work of mystics, it’s also the path towards greater wholeness. We connect to and contact that unfamiliar part of our self that has little to do with the mundane life of the everyday in a place that dwells deep within and resounds with only the truth of who we are. Of course the great irony is that these everyday activities are what brings us in closer proximity with this illusive aspect of ourselves. We may not be able to physically touch this inner center, decode or decipher it completely, but we can open to its rhythms and listen more closely to the deepest desires murmured gently within.

This often hidden foundation of who we are pulls us through the darkest times and shines brightest in joyful times. It’s the unknown element that fills our life with an indescribable quality that brings wholeness and fulfillment. This is who we are at the core, underneath all the pretense and analyzing, it’s the core of our true being that no one or no thing can ever destroy.

So how do we get closer? We begin to listen. We look at what we really want, what brings us happiness, peace, and wholeness. We bravely follow the lead the soul sets, unafraid of where it will take us and with a feeling of awe instead of fear. We jump into our life, following the singular voice inside that often differs from the culture and what others deem acceptable.

But here is the greater truth this quote hints at, this is the only thing that is real. Everything around us may crumble, fortunes lost, relationships end, material happiness evaporates. But through all of that the silent soul is steadfast and if we keep to that there is nothing life can throw at us that will destroy us. There is no end for this energy, only endless transformation.

So stop worrying about what others think or want or say and listen to the inner voice that will never lead you astray.


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