Growing Home

It seems we are endlessly fascinated with the idea of arriving at someplace other than where we are and that when we get to that illusive somewhere else we will finally and at long last be home. But this kind of thinking only sets us up for failure. We spend more time feeling lost and sad rather than seeing that who and where we are in the moment is enough.

The truth is we are already home, we just haven’t noticed it yet. Mystics and yogis say the same thing, right now is the destination. The work comes in realizing this truth. We are here in the moment of now with all we have learned, all that we feel, and all that inspires us, but how much do we pay attention to any of it. How much do we let that knowledge guide our lives? Our attention, fascination, and acceptance of what really exists for us – no hiding, no faking – lets us come to that illusive home we have been longing for and dreaming of. Not only do we have the key, we are the key. Our focus, intention, and consciousness is what unlocks the door and lets us inside.

Life is about growing into the home we have carried within us since the day we arrived on the planet. The journey is in unpacking, arranging the furniture just the way we like it, and settling in. That means everyday, more and more, we own the truth of who we really are. We create this home with our words, deeds, and intention. When we become more comfortable and clear with what exists inside we can live from this honest foundation.

It may sound easy but somehow we manage to get stuck in every pothole along the way. Maybe because every moment we are asked to decide. Growing more and more into the home of ourselves happens every time we speak up for what we really want, every time we venture into a new idea that resonates deep within, or come across another passion.

The things that spark something deep inside of us are sure makers of what’s true and right for us. But we have to say yes to them and follow where they lead. Instead we get sidetracked in the demands of the day or the situation at hand. Perhaps this feels more practical, can’t go running after every fantastic idea. But if we are to grow home we have to get to the bottom of why we divert ourselves from what brings us joy and then knock it off already.

Everyday whether we know it or not we are in the process of growing home. The motto could be, follow what excites, let go of what stifles. The simple – or not so simple – act of surrounding our self with what motivates and has meaning and bravely letting go of what we’ve outgrown cultivates the deep down roots of this inner home. Not everything will fit into the new home of our authentic self. Some of the things we were, that we loved being or doing, are no longer needed and have to be released. And this is where it can get really dicey. It’s the heavy lifting of letting go that can snare us.

So maybe now is the time to start growing an expansive, open, warm, and loving home of yourself. Come, settle in, remember you’re already there.


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