Staking Your Life On It

The attainment of wholeness requires one to stake one’s whole being. Nothing less will do; There can be no easier conditions, no substitutes, no compromises. – Carl Jung

Who doesn’t love the idea of a quick fix? Patch it up and move onto what’s next. None of us want to hang out in the places that trip us up and stop us from enjoying our lives. But sometimes this is exactly what’s required. No matter what’s broken or where we’re lead, there is always a solution, but some fixes are harder and take more time than others and some things can’t be fixed in the traditional ways we’ve grown use to.

A quick fix can come in really handy when the toilet is running or the door is sticking, but when it comes to our emotions and the pull of our hearts slapping some duct tape on it isn’t always the right solution. That’s because the things that really shake us up are the greatest agents of transformation and they need time, space, and patience to finally work themselves out into their own beautiful solutions. And no matter how much we want to believe, or how often the culture tells us it’s possible, the fact is real and lasting change does not come instantaneously. We diligently chip away at it, and that means living with what’s unknown and uncomfortable for extended periods of time.

Slowly, bit by bit, the questions transform within us and we begin to live the answers that make sense to us. This can be a magical time but the work to get there is real and at times harrowing. The conditions we find ourselves in call us to rise to the occasion or continue to suffer within our expected parameters until another chance comes along. There are many unknown elements that cannot be rushed, glossed over, or neglected. We face each dragon as it comes, they are our own personal demons that want recognition and healing. In this kind of work there is no patching or making do. The dilemmas we face need real and lasting answers that can only come from patiently looking into the depths of our self.

There is seemingly endless sorting and maneuvering to get it the way that is just right for us. We know when we’ve made the right choice because we feel it, all the way down deep in our bones where our soul says yes. We may love the quick fix but living alongside the mystery and figuring it out on our own terms lets us craft the life we really want to live.

So stop running from what keeps asking to be seen and face the truth that rests deep inside. This is where wholeness lives.


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