Calling On Kali

So maybe we’ve been nice enough for too long now. We see where this can get us. Maybe it’s not necessary to be cruel but we do have to speak and stop stifling the words that want to come. Kali’s natural time is right about now as we descend into the depths of winter. She is the goddess of time and by default death, because time eventually devours all. And she is here to help hone our voices so the truth of who we are can be seen. This is not your mama’s feminine energy of – if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all. Kali is an electric bolt of current that runs through deep creative energy that will destroy all that is unnecessary and outmoded.

This energy may seem ruthless because we are use to the feminine being kind and nurturing rather than rooting out and destroying. But Kali can align us with our innermost truth, and who doesn’t need that. There is a tale that the goddess Parvarti shed her skin and this became Kali. In Jungian terms she is the shadow and the shadow contains all that we deem socially improper and unacceptable. These are usually the things about ourselves that frighten and shock us which is why we push them out of conscious range until they fall off our radar. In the seat of this darkness is the capacity for unlimited creativity and bone-shaking honesty. Often these are the energies and aspects we need most and they have the ability to completely transform our lives.

Trying to keep things comfortable tends to be the default. Kali is asking for blood. This energy destroys what we childishly cling to and asks us to be who we are with no excuses and no apologies. Kali wants only the truth, but she is not easy to reach. We usually only connect to this energy when we are distraught or enraged, when we finally can’t take the status quo and come into contact with that rush of energy that refuses to follow the prescribed path and decimates everything that is no longer necessary or helpful.

This Kali energy has created a watershed moment for women right now. There is a feeling of silence and complicity falling away and a line being drawn to say enough. This is Kali and we need her. That’s the energy that keeps fighting until we get what we need, and it comes out when we speak up. I think we’re just getting warmed up, getting use to the feeling of our own voice and the potential power it has. We all have a bit of Kali within us and she has something to say, something that will change who we thought we were and what we are capable of doing.

We all need Kali. She helps separate ourselves from the idea that who we are and what we are doing is not good enough. That when we speak our truth we won’t be accepted, that what we feel doesn’t matter. Kali cuts through all of that and exposes it for what it is, a lie that keeps us from living and loving ourselves. Irrepressible life force wants to be lived and here is our opportunity to call on Kali to gain strength and power and put to death all the inner demons that’ve held us down. Their time is over.

Come on Kali.


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