The Holy Know

I wrote a post called The Holy No. It’s about finally being able to say the truth about what we really want but a friend of mine reminded me the holy no could just as well be the holy know. After all, the things we know for sure about ourselves can be a powerful tool in deciding what we will or won’t let into our lives. The holy know is about honoring the truth of what we feel inside instead of endlessly trying to fit in, rearrange, or bend to what other’s want. We find our power in what we know for certain about ourselves. It lets us draw clear boundaries, defining more of who we are, and this allows our authenticity to shine through. Sometimes clarifying what we know and want is easiest when we begin trimming away the things we’re sure we don’t want.

The holy know starts inside. If we listen closely enough we’ll recognize what excites us and makes us feel alive or what leaves us feeling flat and fake. Honoring our internal wisdom, what we feel in our bones, is a kind of holy knowing that grows as we focus on it. It’s a way of honoring what we’ve already lived, the lessons we’ve already learned, and the knowledge we’ve already gained. These are the things we can hold onto as we venture forward into less familiar territory.

And for the things we don’t know, it’s important to honor those too. There’s no end to the amount of fascinating ideas and people waiting to be discovered and their ability to change the course of our lives. They’re easy to recognize, they’ll resonate and make us feel like we’ve suddenly come home to our self. What we can be on the look out for are the things that give us a jolt of inspiration or make us say a deep yes. We can begin with what holds us captive with its strange beauty. These are the things that will root us deeper in the truth of who we are and transform us as we uncover more pieces and parts of our self. The holy know will continue to grow and change as long as we are open and evolving into what comes next.

The truth is it’s all holy; the yes, the no, the know, the unknown. Because all that’s in our lives is sacred. Our life lessons become the sacrament and we are either a willing participant or put up a fight. But no matter what we choose the challenges come, they are lessons in disguise that will guide us home to our true self. Whether we learn them or not is always up to us. But we can always begin with what we know that’s holy and wholly who we are.

So what do you know for sure?


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