The Time, Space, Love Continuum

There is plenty of talk about space-time continuum but love is what’s missing from this equation. Love is the unknown mystery we encounter in the middle of all of time and space, the unaccounted for aspect. Like when you trip over your feet meeting someone who blows all your preconceived notions of love out of the water. When you listen to a song that uncovers you soul, or find an activity, hobby, or deep work in life that lets you unfold everything you are. These are some of the mysteries of love. They are gifts we sometimes carelessly throw away, maybe because we don’t recognize their deep offerings. Maybe they came so easy we think it’s the norm, or maybe we just don’t see the deeper connections they call for. Whatever the reasons are, or the awkward circumstances that surround them, these gifts of love can be redeemed if we are willing to do the work.

There’s that word again, work. But it is the work of knowing and evolving into ourselves that brings us into alignment with the space-time-love continuum. What was once cold facts about life and it’s processes now becomes imbued with warmth, and our personal relationship to everything around us. That’s because love redeems us. Love is not just relationships with other people, but with everything in the universe. It has many subtleties, just like Alaskan Natives have many words for snow depending on it’s texture, volume, or temperature. Any kind of love can change our lives and put us into alignment with the rest of the universe. By opening to everything life presents we find our way to the truth that awaits us.

How do we say yes to all the kinds of love that enters our life? By being fearless. We face the fear of the unknown, the fear of our feelings, especially the deep and dangerous feelings that threaten to upend our lives. Love, like time and space, is always there, it is a matter of tapping into it and letting it take root in our daily activities as much as possible. I won’t lie to you, it is a whirlwind, it’s scary and messy, but it can also recreate our lives. Patience is required, because it is a long, unknown path we take when we let more love into our lives. Love can break our hearts, but really it is the heart breaking open to experience the more subtle strata of who we are and the many different ways we can be in the world that require our full participation.

So where can you enter the time-space-love continuum? Through a pet, a pet project, or someone who uncovers the secrets of your soul. Opening to them brings the workings of the universe right into the center of our world, our heart.


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