Soul Companions

There is a lot of talk about soul mates. This is an idea that has metamorphosized throughout time, and because it’s such a powerful idea it’s still hanging around. That’s because there really is something to it, but relentlessly looking for the perfect person who is compatible in every fathomible way, ends all of our searching, and sets our life right misses the point. That is the search for the impossible. We are what we are looking for, our authentic self, but the only place we’re going to find that is inside. Being preoccupied with the fairy tale of another completing us takes us away from our everyday soul companions that naturally bring us back to our self. These are the people, lovers, friends, animals, places, and even at times enemies, that make us feel more like who we really are. When we come into contact with them a little piece of our self comes back to us, usually a piece we’ve completely forgotten about or didn’t even know existed. Von Franz talks about it as projection and recollection of the psyche. But what it all boils down to is that when we find these people, animals, and places that show us something in ourselves that’s been hidden or forgotten, we take back more of our essence, we become more of our true self piece by piece.

I think about this today because it’s the anniversary of the death of Steve-the-Cat, more than a pet, he was an integral part of who I am. Steve reminded me about some of the sweetness I have inside that is so easily broken by the world. He was a link to who I authentically am and that furry reminder helped me strengthen all those aspects more and more everyday. That’s what soul companions do for us and it’s why after four years I still miss him. But the amazing thing about soul companions is that there is no end to them, no finite number we are allotted, and whether they are alive and with us or not doesn’t alter the effect they have and can continue to have on us. I’d say the beach is my soul companion too, not just any beach but the craggy shoreline of the Central California coast. The cool fog, kelp beds, and its solitary nature always invites me back home to myself. These unusual soul companions can be found anywhere and usually at the most unexpected times. All we have to do is welcome them in.

I think it’s good to revisit the old while cultivating the new. My home in the mountains is a new soul companion and I feel just as much myself there as I do with my toes in the Pacific Ocean. The lush greenery, the endless canopy of leaves housing innumerable creatures, moss covered stones, and a cacophony of birdsong all come together to create a magic that makes a unique part of me come alive when I come into contact with it. The more soul companions we have the better. If we are really paying attention we see that they are everywhere, just waiting for us to recognize them. These meaningful connections offer a delicate kind of clarity about ourselves, and finding them isn’t something that can be forced or planned. I look forward to the day when every single aspect of my life is in relation to something that speaks deeply to my soul.

That is one of the best things about soul companions, they find us as we are and show us the way back to what truly matters.


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