New Year’s Wish

It’s been a long, crazy year. Jam packed with lots of drama, letting go of the way things were, starting something new, not knowing where it was all headed, lots of laughter, tears, and wonder. This is life. It throws everything it’s got at us. Our job is to work through what comes to us in our own unique way. With the arrival of the new year my wish is for each of us to find the extraordinary person that lays hidden under all the chaos of living, that we make the time and space to become more of who we really are and translate it into our day to day living.

We know there will always be too much going on in our lives. There will always be joy, or pain, and then sometimes desolation comes to visit. The way we prepare for all of this is to be rooted in the real essence of who we are. This gives us the ability to relish or weather any situation. Once we begin to wake up to who we uniquely are there is comes a desire to share that with others. Only part of the journey is interior, the other part calls us to act, to contribute in some way to our community, locally or perhaps globally. These outward acts of any kind, solidifies the inside work. It doesn’t matter what the contribution is, just that we offer something of our true selves, something that resonates deep within.

In fact, embracing who we uniquely are and living that truth revolutionizes our lives. We face the curve balls of life with our soul rooted in the truth of who we are and what we stand for. This creates healthy boundaries, and encourages us to open up to new experiences. When we do we get an endless stream of gifts. We get satiety, gratitude, centeredness, soothing contentment, and expanded awareness that can see subtle connections. Becoming more true to ourselves means there is less dichotomy between what we think and how we live. It’s not easy work, but the pay off is indescribable. To honor our authentic journey is to truly live life. It feels a bit like living the mystery and joy of this season everyday, not just in flashes on special occasions.

How I wish I could package it up and send it out to everyone. What I can give you is knowing that it’s possible. Maybe I can be a small light on your path, to help you see around the next corner. Then perhaps each of us who choose to do the hard work of the soul can be an unexpected light in someone else’s darkness. That is my wish too. The journey is long. It is joyful and sorrowful. But it is our journey and it needs to be honored, no matter what it may look like. If we engage in our journey and do our soul work, will have it’s gifts to share.

Here’s to unwrapping all the gifts your soul has in store for you.

Many blessings and Happy New Year!


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