Soul Calling

What’s your dream and what would it take to live it? What would it feel like to be in the company of others consciously creating their dreams? What is it that holds you back from living your dreams? These are the questions being asked of me this week, but before any answering or achieving can begin what’s desired needs to be named. When what we want doesn’t have a voice it stays in the dark, it remains clouded and confused. In order to manifest our dreams we must bring what matters to us the most out into the light of day and start living alongside of it. We have to give it our thoughtful attention, not like we think about taxes, with dread, or taking our car into be serviced, an annoyance. We have to think with an open mind and heart and get excited about what might actually be possible.

Especially the possibilities that seem impossible. When those come up it’s most definitely not the time to shut ourselves down with any number of rationalizations or excuses of why our deepest desires could never be realized. This type of self sabotage feels like something we’ve grown used to. As soon as we step one little toe out of the cage we’ve carefully constructed all the inner alarms go off and we quickly step back into what we’ve always known. It may feel more comfortable cooped up and most likely we built this safety zone for a very good reason. Life can go wrong and we need time to recuperate and regenerate. But the tools we used for healing can limit us when they no longer perform their intended function. This is the beginning of dreaming bigger.

It’s easy to recognize this place of being on the threshold of something new because we feel restless, like there is something more or perhaps something we are missing. What we’re really feeling is all that could be and this is our call to action. Here is where we need to dream big, as big as we can. In order to have a bigger vision for our lives we have to go full-on fantasy, think of everything you could ever want to be or do and see what sticks. You’ll know when you find it, it’ll feel like you’ve been hit by lightening. Is it owning a home in Tuscany or writing a play? Maybe it’s doing the Tour de France or creating your own business that takes you around the world.

The thing is, it’s your dream, don’t let however crazy it may seem stop you, just go for it, don’t keep it safe and small. It doesn’t matter what the actual outcome looks like, we just have to be willing to free ourselves up, think outlandishly, and take a leap of faith to what could be. Everything on our lists may not happen but I can guarantee you what will happen, you’ll come across something you never dreamed of before you dared to dream big; an idea, a plan, or a synchronicity that changes your life. The truth is it doesn’t matter what our dream looks like compared to what it makes us feels like.

Dreaming big frees the soul and expands the heart. It lets us step out of the cage and into a new style of living that excites us. A place where new dimensions never imagined collide into being, often in ways we never imagined had we chosen to stay small.

Here’s your chance, dream big!


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