Picking Up The Pieces

We all come into this world as the most authentic version of ourselves, but over the years we change, shift, and bend because of family, friends, lovers, and the culture we live in instead of our genuine inner desires. As we move through our lives it becomes apparent where we tend to get stuck or sidetracked. It comes when we’re not paying enough attention. It comes in issues that continue to return, the answers we can’t seem to grasp, and our lack of understanding that keeps us second guessing ourselves.

We all come from a long line of ancestors that probably got stuck in very similar routines, problems, and patterns we now find ourselves in. Who we’ve become doesn’t come out of nowhere. All of us are part of a larger continuum, a lineage, and it is up to us to pick up the pieces that matter, find what fits and makes sense, and let go of what doesn’t work even when we think it should. We each have our own kind of crazy, the things that deplete and deter us and they’re calling to be set right within ourselves.

How to go about doing this is where it gets complicated. The same question has a different answer for each one of us, an answer we each have to discover in our own particular way. For some of us it will be relationship hurdles for others money hurdles. Maybe we can’t voice what it is we want, problems with our children, jobs we don’t like, we each have our own personal mix of messiness. Whatever it is it needs more of our conscious awareness about the dark corners where our personal demons trip us up.

What is the same for all of us is that what’s down deep longs to come up and be looked at, acknowledged, and healed in one way or another. We all have something that waits for a resolution only we can provide.

What are the pieces you need to pick up?


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Jean White

As always you touch on and speak so beautifully about the threads of our struggles and make me aware that it is not just my own struggles but that of the human race. Thank you for the way you bring it to light in your beautiful poetic way.