Honoring Ourselves

You are the home for your spirit and you are sacred. – Maia Toll

Maybe you have a hard time believing this, and if you do believe, it can be tricky to remember on a good day let alone on more trying days. But this little string of words hits on one of the most important truths we may ever be able to know. That what we are looking for is inside of ourselves. We often get caught up in the drama of everyday life going on all around us and forget the steady heartbeat within that beats the truth. We are the dwelling for our spirit, a spark of the unknown that perhaps remains eternally illusive, and our bodies are the container for a piece of the holy mystery. We only have to take the time to look inside and honor what we find there.

Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to remember that we are all interconnected, an integral part of the larger whole. We each have a contribution to make and our contribution matters. The world needs each of us right now, our ideas, our energy, and our actions. Don’t get bogged down in size, often it is the smallest of actions that have the largest impact. We may begin to wonder what we’ve been doing all this time side-tracked by sorrow or caught in small miseries. But now it’s time to stop worrying about all we’re not doing or can’t do and look at what we do have and all we have to offer. It’s through deepening awareness and giving our unique gifts to the world that we become fully alive and engaged with the present moment. Consciously making our offering is just as important as what is offered.

Life is a series of steps that brings us closer to the truth of who we are and the mystery that resides within. Discovering what this is for us and then sharing that truth is our offering to the world. Coming home to our authentic self may be a long and arduous journey, but the fact is we can come home at any time, any place, and at any moment. We only need to drop our baggage and walk through the door. Visit and revisit that place inside that makes you feel whole and at home until living there becomes a habit. This is how to anchor your awareness in the sacredness of yourself. There’s nothing left to fight. Stop looking to others, stop wishing for something other than what is. Rest in the reality of who you truly are.

You are the sacred temple where your spirit dwells.


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