It’s In The Air

Some things come at us from left field. We can’t figure out why we’re feeling amazing when everything seems to be falling apart, or why we’re falling to pieces when everything on the outside seems to be fine. Emotions can wash over us, strange connections arise, lost or stray thoughts wander in and out of our minds, and the long-buried past comes to mingle with the here and now. This weird overlapping can leave us feeling out of sorts.

It may be hard to know why we feel the way we feel at times and odder still are those times when everyone else seems to be feeling exactly the same thing. The truth is we are all picking up what’s in the air. A certain energy is alive and on the move and although we may not know the why or the how we can certainly feel its presence and the pressure it exerts on our lives. When certain mental, emotional, or inexplicable energies line up and cast their particular vibration it is there for all to be felt.

You may not believe in woo-woo or new-agey jargon to describe the intriguing, uncomfortable, or wacky things you feel but don’t really understand, and you don’t have to. The truth is the highs and lows we feel without knowing why can come to us from everything and everyone’s energy that is constantly changing and moving and morphing. It’s simple enough to start with science and remember that everything, including us, is comprised of energy and at the energetic level we are all connected. If some major shifting or upheaval is happening to enough people or the planet, we are all going to feel it. We may not correlate it with anything other than a random mood, but what’s in the air can definitely have its effects.

This might be one of the reasons we feel more unsettled at certain times rather than others. Sometimes this energy picks up into a tsunami of agitation or elation and will push us around if we aren’t paying attention. And although we are influenced in one way or another by everything that is going on all around us, the more aware we become of this fact the less power these subterranean influences have to throw us off balance or leave us in a little squishy pile on the floor crying while eating a pint of ice cream.

Lately it’s been unnerving times. So, this morning I stood outside as the sun began to rise, because for me being in nature definitely hits the reset button. The sky was all pinks and oranges and the crows were out flying and squabbling when all of a sudden it got very quiet and still, so quiet that I could hear the flap of the wings of the last crow that flew overhead. I literally felt that vibration of the natural world encircling me and connected to it. This little interaction completely changed my mood and I suspect can change my day. That’s because one moment completely entered into shifts everything else, it’s that energy thing again, rippling out and making waves. Thankfully it’s this kind of awareness and attention and connection that are kryptonite to all that overwhelming energy that can throw us for a loop.

It’s when we’re not paying attention to the ebb and flow of these energetic patterns that we get sideswiped. Just realizing that something funky is in the air or not quite right, that it’s not just us feeling crazy or sad or melancholy, can do a lot to transform how we approach our day and reminds us not to stay asleep at the switch. When we pay more attention we are able to recognize when we’re off versus when the world is off. This little tidbit of information will help us navigate the weirdness instead of being run over by it.

Remember, just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean you can’t feel it.


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