
Regardless of the shadows that cross the moon, to the moon it is always full. – Buddha

I was out doing yoga under the full moon this week, mind clear, feeling incredibly light, when this quote came drifting in, literally as the clouds passed over the moon. And it got me thinking about how it is the same for us. Whether we recognize it or not the truth is we already are whole, no need to search outside for something or someone to complete us. The problem is we have a hard time seeing it, parts of ourselves seem shadowed and hidden and we are tricked into seeing ourselves as something less than or as not enough. What’s really being asked of us is to release what’s blocking our clear view of our true nature.

Most of the time it’s our own personal clouds that keep us from realizing everything we are. These clouds can lay thick and heavy, it’s the doubt, confusion, stress, anxiety, or flood of emotions that grip us or take us over. But just because we can’t see the truth every moment doesn’t change the fact that we are inherently full and complete, right now, as we are. Where we find ourselves most of the time is in the process of understanding that. The challenges life throws at us are there to help us sort out and ultimately see all of who we are more clearly.

So what about going a layer deeper? What would it feel like to own and honor something about yourself you’ve been burying under second guessing or insecurity? Maybe living, breathing, and being in greater alignment and deeper understanding simply starts with a gentle reminder. Take some time to remind yourself about the things you love, about what truly means something to you, and what’s worthy of your time. Write them down, post them on the mirror, make remembering the truth of everything you are and what matters a daily habit.

Then it’s about keeping it up. Remind yourself throughout the day, as often as you can remember, every day. Let the wholeness, richness, and loveliness of your life seep into your soul. Watch how everything transforms, how life starts to reveal what was hidden, and see the clouds begin to dissipate. We change our lives from the inside out. Shifting how we see lets us live from a new center and cultivates a greater depth of awareness, and that’s when everything begins to change and rearrange, sometimes seemingly on its own.

Put the power of your attention on what makes you feel whole and more wholeness will come your way. Make that fullness the center instead of the periphery and see what else begins to grow. When we build our lives around the idea that we already are where we want to be, already have what we desire we start living from a perspective of abundance rather than lack.

Expanding our awareness is the inner catalyst that sets a new way of being in motion. What we choose to do and how we think about ourselves has the capacity to change our lives and lets us start living the wholeness we thought we lacked.

Do you really see yourself?


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