A Moving Prayer

It is all too easy to get caught up in the doing, the giving, or the endless cycles of what else and what next. Certainly we will always have more than enough to do but it’s easy to forget how important it is just to be. Not zoning out watching TV, not mindlessly scrolling through the phone, not rehashing the day. This kind of being has more to do with staying grounded in our truth and present in the moment regardless of what else is being asked of us. It has less to do with what we are accomplishing and more to do with the quality of each moment in our daily lives. When we are centered, aware, and engaged we become our soul’s prayer in motion. This prayer is the true expression of our deepest self and it touches more people than you may realize.

I’ll give you an example, I was in the grocery store the other day and came across two teenage girls cracking each other up. They were not interested in what was happening around them or worrying about how they looked. They were completely lost in their laughter and in the moment. I felt lucky to catch a wave of their joy and the truth is their elation elevated my mood. In reality we are all silent eavesdroppers in people’s lives that constantly go on all around us. We’re exchanging energy every day. We catch a glimpse of another’s anger, pain, and frustration or their joy, delight, and mirth. I think these lighter moods are close to our original soul state before all the distractions and comparisons come rushing in to confuse us and turn our lives upside down.

Every time we live the whole truth of ourselves we offer our soulful prayer. It’s the prayer of being real and grounded, of no hiding or faking and it carries with it freedom. You see, the freedom we are always trying to find has been within us the whole time. It shines when we are the same out there in the world as we are when no one else is looking. We’re free when who we are and who we’re meant to be align, when we joyously live our individual truth alongside one another without explanation or justification. I’ll tell you the sun just broke out through the clouds as I wrote that sentence. I like to think it’s cosmic confirmation, but the truth is it isn’t that hard to see. All we need to do is start paying attention to what really matters and moves us.

It’s a funny thing to say that we need to practice being who we really are, but strangely enough that is the truth. What the world needs from us is our honesty, because when we live authentically it’s felt by all those around us and it helps others live their own truth. This is how we recreate the world at every step. Just start looking inside, see what’s really there, and begin embodying what you find. It may start out a little half-hearted or choppy, but it gets easier with practice.

Be who you are, be kind, enjoy the ride of your life. That is a sacred prayer in any language.


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