
Sometimes I bore myself. It’s been like this since I was little. As a kid I’d whine to my parents about how bored I was at regular intervals throughout the day, especially on weekends when I was left to my own devices. I’m sure they were beyond bored and deep into aggravation by my constant complaining. I can remember my exasperated mother saying, it’s ok to be bored sometimes. At the time I thought she was nuts, but now I see the wisdom in those words.

The truth is it’s easy to get bogged down in routines or the endless repetition life can sometimes ask of us. There’s a sense of sameness, a lingering restlessness, feeling stuck, or the constant rehashing of the same thoughts. But the truth is boredom is asking us what comes next and can push us to a new level if we’re listening. Being bored is a sign that we’ve gotten to a place where all our old standbys, shortcuts, or tricks that used to soothe us or help make sense of ourselves and our lives simply don’t work anymore. And although boredom may not sound like much of a shakeup or a wakeup call, it has the potential to change the trajectory of our lives if we’re paying attention. This boring familiarity creates space for something new to slip in and surprise us.

Boredom begs the question, what isn’t boring. It asks us to think of new things in new ways and to take a closer look at what we value, are passionate about, and what we want to carry on or carry through. It doesn’t need to be an earthshaking transformation in order to change things up. All we really need is a personal breath of fresh air. Try reading a book on an obscure fascination or something out of your wheelhouse. Discover a new hobby, eat something different, take an alternate route to work, or break into song and dance. It’s these small, and sometimes silly, actions that help shift our lives to the next level and quell that inner boredom.

The truth is we’re not meant to stay in the same place, think the same thoughts, or do the same things day after day, year after year. We’re asked to expand and grow and we either say yes to something new or stay bored and begin to atrophy. Boredom reminds us it’s time to see what else might be possible. There are infinite things to learn, be, know, and do. Don’t limit yourself to only those things that feel safe or are expected or what you’ve been doing up until now. There are endless ways to end your current holding pattern, from a new recipe to a new job.

Boredom is asking us to begin. Begin exploring something different. Begin seeing the world with new eyes. Begin making unexpected connections.

Get out of your old, boring routines and start in the direction of what truly inspires you.


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