Ask The Question

To ask the right question is already half the solution to a problem. – Carl Jung

As funny as it sounds, there is always an answer in our asking. Because to even ask the question we have to have a clue about the problem, which means the solution isn’t that far behind. Our questions nudge us, they beg us for closer examination, they help us release what we’ve been holding in and onto and face the things we’ve been too afraid to look at or deal with. When we start asking these important questions the answers begin to form out of the shadows of our fear, mistrust, or indecision. Answers to the questions that need our undivided attention finally come when we are ready to walk through the door of what’s next. Then it becomes more about our honest response and if we’ll follow through on what’s being asked of us.

There are countless places to hide from asking the questions that can change or upend our lives and plenty of resistance to honoring the truthful answers that come. We may hang out in what feels safe or how it’s always been done, but the answers we need to hear finally arrive when we start knocking at the door of what we don’t know or what we’re unsure of. Our questions are born from a deep need for something more, for something we don’t quite know how to ask for. But being brave enough to point ourselves in a new direction lets the very thing we’ve been searching for or trying to resolve begin to form out of seemingly thin air. That’s the rarified air of courageously asking for what we want, or following a dream, or listening to our intuition.

This is the power asking questions holds, and why we should be questioning everything, even the things we’ve taken as our infallible truth for what seems like forever. The real deal is that everything is on the table and up for a second look, some thoughtful reflection, or a serious reboot.

If we want to shake up our status quo, we’ll begin asking as many questions as we can think of, every day, at every juncture, when something seems amiss, when we don’t feel quite right, and even when everything is going along beautifully. Sometimes the most extraordinary questions come from deep beauty and contentment. This place of relaxed rumination is when we’re able to reach farther and higher and catch a glimpse of what our soul hopes, wishes, and dreams.

Then the questions are like steps that take us where we want to go, even when we don’t quite know what we’re asking or quite where we’re going. They open vistas and allow what’s been bottled up or stuck in a holding pattern to finally pour out and get sorted out. So, what are the questions you have? Are they in plain sight or in hiding? Do your questions feel overwhelming or are you afraid to even ask? Then by all means, use someone else’s questions for a while until you find your own, or start with the question you ask a million times a day to others without even realizing it or expecting an answer.

How are you doing today?

Answer that question honestly and bravely and see what doors begin to open and what answers start to arrive.


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