Connected To Creation

What do exploding galaxies, the waxing moon, and a womb have in common? The ability to create. We may be familiar with our own potential to create the life we want, a job, a relationship, a child, but what about creating the connections that ripple out far past us and into the deepest realms of the universe. What I’m talking about is our connection to the unknown and how the Great Unknown can often mirror our personal unknown as patterns, insights, and cyclical unfolding. This process of creation is the common denominator in everything that transpires within us as well as incredibly far outside of us.

It’s easy to overlook, forget, or simply not grasp the deeper ramifications of the vast interconnectedness and similarities that exist within the process of birthing something new. But the truth we’re onto, seeing the same patterns and cycles at every level of creation, is more significant in our day-to-day lives than we may first realize. Because looking outside of ourselves shows us what to look for inside and helps us make sense of what’s happening closer to home. We can always start with what resonates, and remind ourselves it’s not our petty disagreements, obsession over shoes, bills we have to pay, or what school our kid gets into that makes the biggest difference when all is said and done.

What does matter are the larger connections we create at every level, personal and universal. It’s about the deep communion we have with others, with nature, and how consciously we approach ourselves and our daily rounds that end up shaping a beautifully interwoven tapestry of a meaningful life. And all of this ripples out in more ways than we can possibly know. Letting a bigger vision seep down into the rest of our lives can change everything. It opens our minds and hearts and shifts our perspective.

It is a constant, conscious choice to create bigger connections and enter more fully into life, and these choices have the power to transform and realign us with the bigger picture. Remember, we get to choose what we create and how thoughtfully we approach our lives. The door we choose to walk through may be different for each one of us but what waits on the other side is the same, the creation of an authentic life. The door of conscious creation opens through our ordinary choices. It opens through taking the time to reflect, journal, draw, garden, hike, be in community, and whatever else draws you closer to your truth that’s burning inside. We are all always connected to creation, to creativity, and to something more than we currently imagine.

It’s up to us to keep creating, connecting, and stepping into the flow of a larger reality.


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