The Life You Want

I catch myself saying this more often than I care to admit; when I have enough money, I’ll do more of what I want. The real truth is we don’t need to hit the lottery in order to start living a life we love. We just need to shift our attitude and we can choose to do that anytime, including right now. Only we have the power to make the time for what we love, do what make us feel whole, and live what has heart and soul. The difference between wanting and having these things is decided on whether or not we put our attention and creativity on what make us feel alive and aligned.

In truth we often use money as an excuse not to do what we want to do, because we are afraid of doing it. Then we get sidetracked into rationalizing or busywork that never really accomplishes anything and miss out what we really want to spend our time on. The busywork that gets us nowhere starts with a guilt trip and ends up as a regret. I remember very clearly when every part of my life felt like obligation or duty. I was swept up in what I thought others expected, wanted, or needed, but when it came to me, I ran out of time and energy. The life I wanted stayed a dream, a wish, or a desire while I preoccupied myself with more responsibilities, projects, and worry over what-ifs. What was really needed was a little more reprioritizing and reorganizing.

Making time for what matters begins with our clear choices. I can’t do without green tea and books, this means I need to build time into my day for relaxing and reading instead of always neglecting or delaying what brings me joy just to get to another load of laundry or clean the bathroom. Our lives are not just about how much we can cram into any given day. Following others or chasing after what we think we have to have in order to be happy are not the roads that lead to peace or fulfillment. The life we want finally comes when we decide what we’re willing to do, or not do, in order to have what makes us feel whole, aligned, and happy.

Then it comes down to simplifying. Simplifying our lives does not mean doing without, it means streamlining so that there is more time for what’s personally meaningful, and less room for the busywork that leads nowhere. The things we’re searching for rarely hinge on money or the acquisition of more stuff. This makes me think about the tiny house movement. It’s not just about having less, it’s about consciously creating more time and space in our lives to experience and experiment, cultivate silence, spend time in nature, and get acquainted with the depths of who we really are. There is a place where material and spiritual meet, but the material things we have should be in service to the soul, not the other way around.

This part is personal for me, it’s about taking time to do some thoughtful soul puttering. This is where clarity and creativity have a chance to flourish. It’s how we discover the joyful synchronicity of being in our own rhythm and flow. And the truth is, it’s what we’re all really after, living what has personal purpose and significance. And that’s where we can all begin right now, making more room in our lives for the things that mean something to us. You don’t have to buy a tiny house but you can get up early or stay up late or only work four days a week. Begin carving out a little more time for what matters to you instead of being side-tracked by all the things you could do without.

Don’t be afraid to change it up, shift your perspective, buy less, or stop running yourself ragged. Maybe you want to cook bigger meals and eat leftovers so you’re not in the kitchen as much, unless that’s where you love to be, then by all means go ahead, cook more and let the laundry pile up. Create a free day. Find those places in your routine where more of the life you want gets a chance to come out and play.

Our lives happen in the present, not in wishing for some perfect future that may or may not arrive. Start spending more time on what sets your soul on fire, no excuses. Then watch what happens to the quality of your days and the way you feel. There’ll be less waiting and wishing and much more loving and living.


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