Following Your Heart

Carl Jung said he would’ve developed his theories about archetypes, the collective unconscious and followed where it led no matter what anyone else thought about it. He did not have creating a movement on his mind. He did not try to pioneer ground-breaking ideas to impress anybody, create a large following, or challenge the status quo. He did what he did because it made sense to his soul, it was his truth. He simply articulated what was deep inside of him that wanted to be seen and spoken out loud.

This is the very same attitude we must have when listening to our authentic voice. We need to trust what has heart and soul for us and see where it leads, not worry about whether someone else likes or approves of what we’re doing. Following our heart is the most powerful kind of work we’ll ever do because it’s about discovering our bottom-line truth. This is soul work, and it makes all the difference, not only in our lives but also in the lives we touch.

How do we know what has heart for us? We’ll feel it. There’s a natural energetic pull towards what resonates and the things we don’t need to be sold on. We do not need to manipulate or force or try to make it happen. All we have to do is listen to what’s true for us, then go all in and follow where we’re led. Joy will be another indicator that we’re close to what matters to us and help us gravitate towards more and more of it. What’s found through serious and earnest interior work has its own magic and often the truth we’ve found within the depths of ourselves will strike a chord in the mind and hearts of others, because at those deeper layers we’re all connected.

Where we often get stuck is in imitation, in cultural or peer pressure. That’s when we play it safe, or water down what we feel and go along with what others want or expect of us. This kind of half-living only creates more confusion and the life we really want to live won’t translate into our daily reality. These half-truths never induce inspiration and can really sap our energy and drag us down. It’s hard to get excited about any of that. When we are in touch with those things that energize us and live what we love with passion we are creating a soul-driven life. Now, that is easy to get excited about. It doesn’t matter what it is that sets us on fire, but this inner creative flame wants to be felt and lived on a daily basis. This is our compass, and it will point us true north every time.

Following our heart does require the courage to step out of our comfort zone. It asks us to stop letting what others think, feel, or want be our guiding light or a crutch we use. Trying to please or placate others only takes us farther from our soulful destination of a life lived in wholeness and authenticity. When we are in alignment with our inner truth and the things that set us ablaze not only will we feel it, so will others. It’s our conviction and our passion that others recognize and it may help spark the same thing inside of them.

Our whole-hearted belief in what we’re doing, thinking, and saying is what changes everything. But first we have to know what that is, what it is that truly matters to and for us. This is where we need to take a closer look, be willing to listen to what comes, and faithfully follow our heart. Don’t limp along getting by or making do. This is not the time to shy away, back down or retreat. Playing it small and second guessing will never get us where we want to go. It’s time to shine our light by being the whole truth of who we are in every situation.

Go all in, listen to your heart, see what matters and resonates, and don’t hold back any piece of yourself. The time has come to set your life on fire with what calls to you. Follow that. Then watch what begins to gather around the heat of your soul’s belief.


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