A Conscious Recalibration

We are constantly taking in all kinds of gifts without even realizing it; beautiful sights, inspiring words, everyday adventures, love, nature, random acts of kindness, you name it, the list goes on. There are so many offerings each day brings with it but somehow we still feel empty. It’s not because we don’t have enough, it’s because we don’t realize how much we already do have. Instead we’re always looking for more focusing on what’s lacking rather than on what’s already ours.

In order to recalibrate and receive what’s being presented, or honor what’s already in our lives, we have to be aware, accepting, and grateful. Being asleep while receiving isn’t like receiving at all. We miss everything given to us, the big stuff as well as the nuances, not to mention all the beauty, love, or joy that’s already staring us right in the face. Part of the process of receiving comes in acknowledging what’s really in our lives and living from that instead of a fantasy or future hopes. The future we want won’t materialize if we aren’t fully grounded in the present, focused on what’s actually happening, and grateful for all that we have right now.

The truth is we’ll never get where we want to go by faking it. Seeing the deeper truth of what is going on in our lives is a necessary part of the equation in order to consciously receive what we desire. When we get stuck in lack, consumed by we don’t have, what we haven’t achieved, or compare what we’re doing to what everyone else is doing we block ourselves from happiness, simple delights, and the magic of small miracles, like watching an orchid bloom bud by bud or a flock of birds scatter all at once from a barren tree.

Continually focusing on what’s broken, wrong, or missing keeps us from living all the amazing things already in our lives. The longing and wanting takes over rather than thankfulness for all we possess. It’s the glass half-empty situation all over again. But what if it were the other way around? What if we woke up feeling grateful, what if we relished everything that’s already here? The home we live in, the dependable car, our health and vitality, our loved ones, our job. Whatever it is for you pick it and put your attention on it. This is how it works, when we shift our attention our world begins to shift along with it.

This is exactly what happened to a friend of mine who began keeping a journal about every monetary gift she received. She noted down every big and small thing she could think of, her salary, refunds, rebates, a friend bringing her a dinner that she didn’t have to buy, or providing a service, like fixing a leaky faucet, that she didn’t have to pay someone else to do. What she began to notice very quickly was just how much she was actually receiving. Then she began to expand her definition of a gift and her whole attitude and demeanor changed. She began to write down things like watching a breathtaking sunset, a walk along the ocean, or a series of green lights that got her to an important appointment on time. Noticing all of this made her open, she felt expansive, whole, and in the flow of her life. By recalibrating her focus she became conscious of what was actually happening, then she could really receive everything that was coming her way.

And you know what happened don’t you, even more started to come. This is exactly how it works, what we put our attention on grows. It’s a funny law of the cosmos we don’t harness nearly enough. I think our egos get in the way, we want to plan what happens or have an idea of what it should look like and completely miss the gifts that come if they don’t come wrapped up in the expected package. Take a minute to look around, what’s already in your life? The gift of meaningful friendships, a job that makes you feel whole, a community that supports you, your health, your favorite tea in the cabinet. There are endless gifts in our lives, we just have to begin noticing them.

Open your eyes, consciously recalibrate how you receive the gifts that come your way. You may be surprised at just how much you already have.


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