Becoming Your Own Price Charming

We can turn our lives into a waiting game. We wait for the right person, the right time, the right job, the right circumstances. Or maybe we wait for another to unlock all the gifts we have inside or validate who we are and what we feel. What all the waiting comes down to is our misguided belief that someone or something else is responsible for the heavy lifting of our happiness. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out this will never work.

Not only do we need to stop the outer waiting game we need to stop the inner one too. We do this when we put an end to pinning our hopes and dreams on a magical other who will unravel our sacred story. It’s time for us to realize we already have the mysterious something we’re looking for. The search for it begins on the inside. It’s hidden in our soul’s deepest desires, our authentic emotions, and our unvarnished truth.

No matter what else may happen it all starts with us. We may ask for help or seek solace in the community but the answers only arrive when we begin taking responsibility for our own happiness and fulfillment. We are the Price Charming to the rescue, we are our own advocate, our own best friend, and our own ally. No one else will ever be a substitute for the wholeness, contentment, and joy we find for ourselves within ourselves. In the end we are the only ones who can create the life we want to live, and the simple truth is others can only love us as much as we love ourselves. It’s up to us to love who we are and unlock the beauty and joy that resides within us that waits to be born.

Now here’s what others can do: they can be a catalyst, a reminder of what we want and of what we can become, but then we have do the work of finding out exactly what that is for us. The first step to rescuing ourselves is to slow down the negative chatter and sideways judgement. We stop blaming ourselves for everything that isn’t working out the way we thought it should and begin living from where we actually are instead of where we wish we were. We start righting what’s wrong by being brave enough to uncover what’s true for us. And this will happen when we begin on the path of discovering what it is we want for ourselves and stop wasting our time with what everyone else thinks we ought to be doing. Who else could go on our journey but ourselves?

So stop waiting for the one to appear. The truth is they are already here, it’s you.

Now venture boldly and deeply into the mystery of who you are and what you find when you stand up for the things that matter to you. This is how you become your own Prince Charming. Begin sifting through and pulling to the surface all the things that make your love your life, the things that resonate with you and make sense to your soul. Rescue the pieces of yourself you abandoned hoping to fit in and let go of all the things you thought you were supposed to do, be, or have. You don’t need them anymore. All you need is the truth of yourself and that truth will set you free.

The waiting is finally over. Start creating the life you’ve been dreaming of.


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