Patience, Persistence, And Following Your Dreams

The ins and outs of life can be exhausting and if your life is anything like mine it’s probably a hot mess right about now. It seems like everything in the world is going on at once and a million decisions need to be made every day. And lately it feels even more amped up and with everything moving at a much faster pace. But through it all I’ve been keeping this blog and today is post 300. For me this is a huge milestone. This blog has seen me through everything over the last five years, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s not only seen me through it’s been the guiding force to get me through. That’s because it’s not just about the writing, it’s about creativity and connecting with that essential essence of who I am on a regular basis and using that as a foundation to grow into more of myself.

This inner thread of self is present at every point. It’s there when I’m excited and not so excited, when I’m a little drained, or not feeling it at all. And that is life in a nutshell isn’t it? Shit happens and we rework our lives around the shit that happens. Hopefully we can stay grounded through it all and come out better than we were before, stronger, more aware, and more at home within ourselves. This is why patience and persistence end up being so important. The only way we create the life we want is through having more of both, they help make our dreams a reality.

Patience and persistence help us chip away at what it is we are after. It’s the rich soil that helps us grow into what’s next, especially when we can’t see what’s coming around the corner. We may slow down, we may take a thoughtful pause or an extended breather, but we never completely give up. We keep coming back to the dreams we have for ourselves. Our dreams and visions may change and grow as we do but we keep tending the fire of what we desire. Perhaps one of the most important qualities of patience and persistence is that by hanging in there no matter what other dreams start to come true, dreams we didn’t even know we were dreaming.

Although I’ve always been a writer in one way or another, five years ago I felt the need to capture on the page what I felt I knew for sure. This has grown into three books and this blog with 300 posts and is growing into a deck of oracle cards to go with my first book Seeding the Soul which has turned into this kind of soul-mapping workbook. Also on the horizon is a website, podcasts, courses, coaching, and a whole lot of other things I never thought about when I was starting out. This is the true beauty of patience and persistence, it grows into a bigger vision and writes an expanded script of how and what we live. Everything that is happening now has come from this one little thing, writing what I know.

So for all of you out there chipping away at your own dreams, I’m rooting for you. Keep going. Cultivate patience and persistence, let it help you fully enter into your own life and live your dreams in a powerful and unique way. In the end there is no substitute for living your authentic life.

And remember, celebrate every sweet milestone and give yourself the credit you deserve.


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