Finding Your Home

Lately I’ve been reading Helen Luke and wondering why I haven’t been reading her everyday. She’s the perfect combination, a powerful role model with a strong voice, a wise woman. I see in her journey the same journey that I am on and the kind of woman I wish to be, whole. She tells the story Rumi’s master told to him in, The Monster in the Well, and the simple answer the wise man gives to a very difficult question is some of the most sage advice we’ll ever receive. The best place to be is wherever you feel at home.

Feeling at home is something we all search for, whether we recognize it or not, whether we are consciously searching it out or not. Ultimately, of course, that home is within. The journey we go on is to recognize this truth. When we feel at home within ourselves whatever frame of mind we may be in, whatever situation we are entangled in, the world transforms into that illusive place we’ve been searching for outside ourselves. How do we know when we’ve found our home? When we are surrounded with people and places that make us feel alive, aligned, welcome, and whole, that’s how we know we are nearing our home.

The trouble comes when our home doesn’t look anything like we thought it would or what other’s tell us it ought to look like. We have to be courageous enough to embrace the home we find that makes the rest of our lives fall into place, even if other’s think it’s strange, even when others don’t agree. Part of the process of finding our home is learning to believe in and trust ourselves and our intuition. These are magic ingredients that will lead us home every time.

This is the search and each of us will find something different, we’ll express and live it differently as well. But when we willingly open our eyes and honestly look for that home it will be revealed. Pursuing what makes us feel most at home opens us to the truth burning inside. Each piece of our self understood is an opening and unfolding into that place where we feel most like ourselves.

Home at last in the thoughts, actions, people, and places that make us feel exactly like who we are.


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