Magical Mornings

I am a morning person. For me mornings offer a real sense of magic that has to do with new beginnings. It’s the time of fresh starts and a gateway to inspiration and adventure. And after some long and arduous days that’s exactly what we need, a do-over. The calm and quiet that pervades the early morning hours is a feeling that helps me center and ground for the day ahead. It is also the time of day I get my real work done, the work of the soul. It’s a time to hear the inner voice deep inside that whispers what wants to be lived.

In all honesty any time of day or night has its own kind of magic in one way or another. Our job is to seek out the times where that magic resonates within us. One morning I was out in the garden shutting it down for the winter. It was strangely warm as I emptied dirt out of pots into the raised beds, harvesting the last of the fennel and lettuce. I began to notice ladybugs. First one landed on my knee, then on my hand, then I noticed they were everywhere. Of course ladybugs are good luck, every time one lands on you it’s time to make a wish. But standing out there under the warm sun with Swiss chard and dandelion greens in my basket, covered in ladybugs, felt like a wish come true. It was a moment of pure magic.

These are times that transcend expectations and put us in the middle of the sacred universe that’s asking to be seen at every turn. There is always a doorway to enter and that is through our attitude and approach to the everyday world around us. If we’ll only look a little closer we will see there is nothing ordinary about it. So the question becomes how do we engage with our days? Do we enter reverently or take them for granted? Are you healthy? This is perhaps the most overlooked gift of all. The freedom to do and be and go where we want when we want.

In all reality everything possesses it’s own kind of magic. Noticing that truth is magic too, and that’s where my mornings come in. It’s the time for me to notice more acutely what’s going on and align myself with this hidden-in-plain-sight magic that surrounds me and all of us. The question is, do we have eyes to see it? That is on each of us and how we choose to live this beautiful life we’ve been given. Choosing to notice and embrace the magic that pervades all of life means we approach the day more consciously and recalibrate our senses to the everyday mysteries and meanings that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Start looking, there are lady bugs everywhere.


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