Letting Go With Intention

Everyday we are in the process of letting go whether we realize it or not. Letting go of something that no longer serves or nourishes us creates space for something new to enter. Sometimes it’s effortless but it can also be agonizing work. Unfortunately we’ve become a nation of hoarders thinking more is better. It’s not true for material things and it’s even less true for mental and emotional baggage. Too much is really too much, it overwhelms and derails us. So it’s a good idea to regularly purge old thinking, bad habits, and destructive ways of behaving in order to keep our inner world open to unexpected opportunity.

Clearing out the inner space welcomes new avenues and new parts of ourselves that have been buried under all the rubble from what we’ve been through and what’s held us back. It is not enough to close our eyes and wish it away. We have to become acquainted with the feelings that keep us stuck or sad and the ideas that don’t seem to fit quite right. We have to know what we’re letting go.

This means we have to do a little unearthing of what’s been stagnating and why we continue to hang on. Wanting our fears and bad behaviors to go away or wishing everything would change is different, it’s passive, and involves hoping others will do for us what we feel we are unable to do. Here’s the news flash, that’s never gonna happen. We have to do our own dirty work. It’s the only way we come out clean on the other side.

We have to bring the light of our awareness to letting go just as we do to creating something new. By setting an intention about what we wish to release we gain greater clarity about where we want to go. That’s how we consciously transform our lives. We can only hold so much, do so much, be so much, that’s why intentionally letting go has an integral place in our daily lives. It keeps everything flowing.

How thoughtfully we let go defines us just as much as what we hold closely to us. Here’s to courageously letting go with purpose and intention.


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