Rewriting Our Script

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. – C.S. Lewis

As the years go by we may find ourselves stuck in set patterns without even realizing it. Then everyone around us else begins to reaffirm these patterns good or bad, true or false. Here I’m talking about taking on a role, for whatever reason, that doesn’t really express our truth. Instead of just being who we are we get swept up into playing the part of what we think we ought to be or do until who we are and the roles we play are indistinguishable from each other. We are lost between what’s real and what’s expected.

Rewriting our script is a chance to change the course of our lives. We do this by getting to the heart of what is most real and necessary for us and letting go of everything else. Telling the same old stories keeps us stuck in the same old roles. In order to change our own preconceptions we have to unearth the truth buried deep within under layers of old thinking and outmoded ways of being. This excavation takes patience, persistence, and the courage to see ourselves differently.

I have a friend who is bad with numbers. She struggles and makes excuses and we’ve all come to believe she just can’t do it. This is a story that plays out in all of our lives, finding a million ways to avoid becoming anything different or looking any deeper. The truth is she can, and she has, and when she does she feels more like herself. It takes more effort but the truth is anything that really matters does. Rewriting our story is about believing in ourselves when no one else does, and sticking with it even when we feel like giving up. This steadfast belief in ourselves and our potential empowers us to live a new version of who we are, one that is closer to our true source and soul.

We are more than what what meets the eye or the safe stories we’ve built our lives on. In order to see farther into the depths of the complicated truths we hold we have to be able to see past the story-line we’ve grown accustomed to. What we need is the the truth of our soul. For a new story to form and grow and live in our lives we have to be soul-searchingly honest about the choices we make. We build the foundation of what’s to come by being unflinchingly real about who we are and who we aren’t, what we need to do and what we can do without.

This is us at our most powerful, when we come out of hiding and tell the real story of ourselves like it is. We empower ourselves when the story we tell is the truth of everything we are. I’ll let you in on a little secret, not everyone is going to like it, you may not even like some parts of it. You may have to fight yourself and others to be this real version of yourself. All I can say is that it’s worth it. Owning the whole truth of who we are is the only thing that can set us free.

So, where have you given up on yourself? Are there things you don’t believe about yourself anymore? Are you more than what you imagine? Are you tired of the old stories that no longer fit? Begin rewriting that script, slowly and with careful attention. Your true story will take on a power all its own and bring you back to life.


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