Joining The Church Of Love

The holiest place on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love. – Course In Miracles

We find ourselves split apart again and again when we feel separate from the rest of life. Coming closer to the mystery reveals that what we’re looking for outside resides within. The farther we dare to look inside the more we see our connection to all else. It’s a bit like the idea of wormholes in space, a shortcut to other worlds spread across infinite distances. Here the usual parameters of time and space cease to exist and so it is for our vast inner cosmos as well when what we find inside ultimately connects us to everyone and everything else.

These shortcuts within become clearer when we are firmly grounded in the present moment, when all the distractions and projections and misunderstandings are silenced. That’s when we can see more clearly that the same threads weave our inner and outer worlds together. One of these is the thread of love. When we are fully and deeply rooted, for however long, in that eternal and ever-expanding love living within a door suddenly opens, a door that has been locked tight for far too long. It may not look much different on the outside, everything still seemingly goes on as before, only now we are in possession of the secret that lets us see things as they really are, intimately connected.

Greater love equals greater connection, it’s that simple. We can always and at any time connect to this otherworldly love because it is our real nature. We only have to remember this truth. This is not the love we see played out in the culture or on the big screen, it’s infinitely larger than what we’ve been taught to envision. It’s a love that goes beyond what the ego wants, beyond the depth of desire, beyond grasping and control. This love is who we all really are down deep and this thread of love invisibly binds us to each other.

We go to the church of love every moment of our lives when we our courageous enough to let this deeper kind of love be our guide. Maybe we ripen in this knowledge, maybe at times we forget all about it, but it doesn’t change the fact that it exists. We can choose to enter that home in ourselves at any moment and for as many moments as we like, we only have to remember farther down and deeper in, a soul remembering. That’s the real church, the infinite love that rests within our soul for ourselves and all others. When we come home to that, the sacred work begins.

We can each be a place of healing for the ancient hatred when we remember to love as big as we can. Not the self sacrificing love that makes us feel small, pinched, or obligated, and not the love that wants something in return. It’s more than that, this kind of love doesn’t patch or placate, it heals and soothes something older in us than our imagining. We heal the ancient wounds and rebirth a new kind of being with this love.

Look and you’ll see love always wins. It’s the holiest ground upon which we stand.


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