The Power Of Our Words

Certainly in some circumstances we are completely aware of the impact our words have. If you’re like me you’ll practice some of the most important words you want to say, at other times they’re just off the cuff. Sometimes our words wound whether we want them to or not. But what we may not realize are that the words we say to ourselves have the power to tilt our inner world towards the light or steer us back into the dark. The words we tell ourselves shape our lives and the way we feel on a daily basis.

The problem is we often have our story wrong. The facts of what happened may be undeniable but the words we string together to describe what happened can leave us misinterpreting and misconstruing the what or the why of what we actually went through. It can be easy at the end of any major milestone to feel we didn’t do enough, made a wrong decision, or that we wasted too much time. But these are words that leave us in the dark. These are words that wound for no reason.

The truth is whatever we have chosen to spend a good part of our lives on taught us what we needed to know about ourselves and shaped the person we have become today, a person capable of making new choices, different choices, or completely unexpected choices. What we’ve been given was the space and time we needed to grow and learn and evolve. Sometimes we grow together with what we’ve chosen, sometimes we don’t. This does not make that story any less valuable, meaningful, or necessary. Everything that has come into our lives plays an important role in shaping us. It’s gotten us to this point, thinking the way we think, and paving the path that is to come.

Each story we’ve lived in and through holds a different key to all the locked doors inside. Tripping ourselves up with words that wound serves no purpose other than to break our own heart and keep us bound in the dark. We only have to honor what has come into our lives, it points to who we are and where we want to grow. Then it’s up to us to be fearless enough to take the next step. We don’t have to let our dark words spin a story that repeatedly wounds our soul.

At any time we can say the words that open our hearts and let loose our imagination. It’s a choice to speak the words that help and heal. Same story, different take. These are the words we’ve been searching for and the words we need are right here with us in this moment.

Find the words that heal your soul.


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