No More Split

There is an old Wiccan saying, As above, so below, as within, so without. This is perhaps the oldest way that describes how not to live the split. It means that whatever is true for us on the inside is lived outside. That which is most real, alive, and meaningful within us is lived out loud in our daily rounds. When we are aligned with our inner essence we touch the greater mystery surrounding us and that’s translated into how we feel, the way we see ourselves, and the way we live our lives.

Aligned with what inner essence you might ask. Here it gets difficult to give a clear and concise answer, and in answering there are so many avenues to take. The one that seems most natural and accessible also happens to be a path I’m familiar with, the path of authenticity. Maybe this word sounds a little fabricated or forced but in truth authenticity is the center of the soul. It’s our natural self, the person we are when we feel most alive, in tune, and in touch. It’s what is most real and what remains most real when everything else begins to fall apart. Life’s ups and downs will come and go but our authentic center anchors us if we choose it hour after hour, day after day, season after season. When we align with that inner, true self we stop living the split.

In all reality we may be a bit more comfortable living the split. The split comes when we do something, knowingly or unknowingly, that’s easier than what we really desire, that pleases others even if it doesn’t particularly please ourselves. It’s saying one thing but feeling another. But at any moment we can choose to right our ship, to sail back to the home that makes us feel vibrant and filled with purpose and meaning. We always have the opportunity to choose, either continuing on the path that almost fits or doing what sets our soul on fire.

Continuing on this road of almost causes the split to grow until one day we hardly recognize who we are, what we want, or what we are doing. The split then dismantles our lives because what is most real and alive inside wants to be lived. We can help this along by surrendering. We surrender our petty wants and copycat desires to something larger within us that wishes to be seen, heard, and ultimately lived. This something inside brings with it joy, wonder, and a sense of deep belonging. When we live from this center on a daily basis the split mends.

We come into alignment, as within, so without.

A way to begin healing the split is by repeatedly listening. We listen to what feels right, what makes sense, what makes us feel whole. This kind of listening brings us face to face with our own particular truth. A truth we recognize by the way it makes us feel, joyous, energized, and in our own natural rhythm. If we practice this kind of soul listening we’ll find it easier and easier to hear what wants to be lived. There are many splits, some much larger than others. Some take little time to heal, they just want a bit of attention, others can take a lifetime.

As above, So below, As within, So without.

Blessings to you on your journey of healing the split.


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